Monday, October 20, 2008

The Big Spout


One of the hardest things about having a blog attached to a quote-unquote "career" is that you have to mind what you say on said blog. "Mind what you say?" you ask. But that sounds like censorship... self-censorship, yes. But still censorship.

Let me explain.

Let's say I want to speak my mind on what I call one of the major-breakers: these are the big topics that seem to divide a large majority of people, something like abortion or presidential politics, or global warming, or evolution (and those last two shouldn't involve any debate at all but that's neither here nor there).

When speaking on these issues, there's a few things I need to consider:

First of all, "How many readers do you want to risk losing?"

I have to admit, that one rarely registers. If there's someone who's racist or homophobic and is going to be insulted by my viewpoints, to tell you the truth, I don't want you buying my books.

Secondly - and here's the big one - "How much do I want to distract you from the reason this blog exists in the first place?"

Would "The Daily Cave" be here if I weren't a writer? Probably, but in a different format, and as part of something you regular readers would never have come across. If that were the case, I'd probably be much, much more outspoken about certain topics. The thing is, though, I 'am' a writer, and "The Daily Cave" is about my writing and other imaginative creations.

Perhaps it's a self-limitation thing, the more I think about it. If I were to spout off about what pisses me off on a daily basis, there'd be little time to write much else, and again, that would eat into the time I like to spend writing books, (kind of like I'm doing right now... heh). Anyway, the idea is to STAY FOCUSED on why this blog is here. I must admit, however, there have been quite a few times when I've thought about starting an anonymous blog, of adopting an alias and spilling my opinions on quite a few things onto the screen. But, again, that would detract from what I really enjoy doing.

To be sure, you long time readers know that from time to time I've put myself out there in TDC, telling you what I think about this or that, but believe me, there's much more that's been held in check... because I want to stay focused.

So, what do you think? Is it important to keep an "author" blog confined to "author" issues, or would it be better if I spouted off about this and that? Just curious.